Bounce-Gold is a unique training module designed to develop talent at the u8-u11 age grouping. The rosters train together and then compete as seperate rosters: Team Bounce-Keiki and team Bounce-Gold.
Coach Jason Olive
Coach Jason Olive
Bounce-Keiki is coached by Club Director Jason Olive. Coach Olive is a First Team All-American from the University of Hawai’i. He lead the Rainbow Warriors to their first appearance in the NCAA Final Four. As a 6-rotation Middle Blocker, Coach Olive remains in the top 10 All-Time for Hawai’i in Kills, Kill Attempts, Solo Blocks, Block-Assists and Total Blocks. His team finished ranked #2 in the Nation and set the national attendance record for the sport.
In 2024 Coach Olive competed in the US Nationals and won the National Championship. Coach Olive was named to the All-Tournament team.
Coach Sophia Lawrance
Bounce-Gold is Head Coached by Sophia Lawrence.
Coach Sophia, is an n and dedicated volleyball player and coach with a strong background in both indoor and beach volleyball. She played 5 season at Predators Volleyball Club in Ontario, Canada under the tutelage of Paul Pavan (father of AVP Professional Sarah Pavan). She won (2) Provincial Championships in Calgary and British Columbia.
Sophia came to the states to purse beach volleyball and currently plays for Santa Monica College Beach after (2) seasons with the indoor team. She is currently training and looking for opportunities to play at a higher level. She currently coaches at the Middle School level and counts here extensive knowledge of the game and her disciplined and goal-orientated approach to coaching as among her strongest assets.
Coach Sophia Lawrance
“Some of the best players on our courts are 7-11 years old if you consider where their technique stands in relation to their age. Bounce -2 is a lot of fun and also very exciting for the club’s future.” - Coach Kamalu